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Music made with appreciation, after the study that seeks to polish what we have best within, becomes the very voice of God, "spoken" to human souls. He, through it, sometimes rebukes them, sometimes demonstrates His infinite greatness and love, all this in real time, according to the subjective intentions of each chord, which in the musical discourse become boiling life, manifestation of glory and beauty.

A música feita com apreço, após o estudo que busca lapidar o que temos de melhor internamente, torna-se a própria voz de Deus, 'falada' às almas humanas. Ele, por meio dela, ora os repreende, ora demonstra sua infinita grandeza e amor, tudo isso em tempo real, conforme as intenções subjetivas de cada acorde, que no discurso musical tornam-se vida em ebulição, manifestação de glória e de beleza.

Musik, die mit Wertschätzung gemacht wird, nach dem Studium, das das Beste, was wir innerlich haben, zu polieren sucht, wird die eigene Stimme Gottes, 'gesprochen' zu den menschlichen Seelen. Er, durch sie, tadelt sie manchmal, manchmal demonstriert er seine unendliche Größe und Liebe, all dies in Echtzeit, gemäß den subjektiven Absichten jedes Akkords, die im musikalischen Diskurs zu kochendem Leben werden, Manifestation von Herrlichkeit und Schönheit.

Tiago Weinckler

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